It’s finally snowing!

November ’23 Newsletter

November was the slowest-feeling month of the whole year for me. In the part of Sweden where I live, November is late fall. The sky is bleak while the forests are in full autumn attire, sporting deep reds and sometimes even purple. Rain, and nothing but it. I am pretty sure I didn’t see the sun until just recently. Here, at the end of the month, things are much better with the arrival of snow and Christmas lights. It’s actually snowing as I write this.

I recently got my Swedish ID, and all my belongings shipped from the US. Most shocking of all? I forgot that I brought three huge tote boxes of books! I definitely need some more bookshelves. A lot more. I’m glad also to say I got my car from the US! Unfortunately, it has to stay in the garage over winter.

Remember when I talked about food in the last newsletter? I’m doing it again. Christmas time is coming here in Sweden, which means Christmas food galore. I’m already going to a few planned dinners. Let me tell you when Swedes do Christmas food, they do it right. I’ll be posting what I eat on my social media. With a rich range of meats, from ham to fish, the choices are absolutely endless. The desserts are awesome as well.

The Salt March

In writing news, I have done one of many edits to the Salt March and added a grand total of 54 pages of content. It might sound strange, but it turns out that after writing post-apocalyptic thrillers for a few years, I am not so used to high fantasy. Being able to do this edit has given me the joyous enlightenment that I can be way more descriptive with high fantasy. Adytum, a large and complex world, has plenty of room for words. I look forward to the publication of the Salt March somewhere in the middle of next year.